By mrb72 - 03/02/2009 10:48 - United States

Today, I took my friend to the E.R. for an eye infection. While waiting, I proclaimed, "Why, Jesus?!" jokingly. Well, the gigantic biker sitting next to me, who had found religion in prison and is a born again Christian, was not pleased. He spent the next four hours trying to convert me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 559
You deserved it 19 250

Same thing different taste

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Today I was in the ER and this guy with a really gross eye infection say down next to me. I made up some stupid crap about how he should find God but he wouldn't take the hint and sit somewhere else, even after 4 hours. FML.

I think it is stupid when believers try and convert non-believers. Nothing against people who have fait and believe in religion I just find it completly disrespectful when someone trys to convert somone. its the same when a non believer trys to convince a believer its just disrespectful


there was nothing wrong with him trying to spread the message of god to you. Jesus is real and can change ur life. read John 3:16

Nobody wants uninvited jesus freaks after them just like nobody wanted to hear you moaning to Jesus about your eye in the first place.

babycakes201496 4

Yayy! Go biker! You Should be ashamed! This isn't a fml. It's sad you were to blind to see what he was saying. It hurts me to see all these terrible comments. Btw you deserved it

And that people, is why you don't go around hospitals jokingly ranting stuff to/about Jesus

So it's very rude trying to save someone from going to hell?

That must have been one hell of an eye infection to warrant a trip to the ER!

crazy4uboi 6

He shouldn't try as convert you but ya a rude thing to say because it is against some people's religion... Just saying

You deserved it OP, the dark Lord commands it.

Well if you hadn't made fun of the Christians, maybe the guy wouldn't have felt like he needed to talk to you.