By Anonymous - 24/06/2013 20:26 - United States - Houston

Today, I took my girlfriend of nearly 2 years out to dinner so I could propose. When the waiter brought the check, I caused a bit of a scene to get everyone's attention. When I got on my knee and proposed, she said no and asked if I could hurry up and pay, because she was embarrassed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 757
You deserved it 18 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ileenefudge 29

Why make a scene? Were you assuming she would say yes just because everyone was looking at her? I'd be embarrassed too, because that's just asking for trouble in my opinion and if she says no(which she did) then people make her out to be cruel and heartless.

In my humble opinion, no proposal should ever be rejected because everyone who proposes should be DAMNED SURE the answer will be "yes". If you aren't absolutely positive, don't do it.


Public proposal with no prior warning or discussion: check! Exhibitionist shenanigans to draw extra attention: check! What not make it a trifecta? Hide the ring in a dessert so she can have a capped tooth forever?

Why the **** do people feel the need to not only propose in public, but have everyone in the vicinity watch? If my currently nonexistent boyfriend did that to me I'd leave his arse then and there, never to return.

vegeta77 4

I think she's shown here true colors. RUN from this girl. That is just a heartless response. I would have ditched her in the restaurant and stuck her with the check.

That's harsh.. someone who truely loves you would not act like that towards you. Be strong & Always smile :) -everything happens for a reason. I'm sorry.

Marriage, and accepting a proposal, are not equal to being in a loving, supportive relationship. I know gay couples who, because its illegal to get married, have been together for ten to fifteen years. They might have thrown a party or two to celebrate their "union" but due to ignorant laws they could not put a ring on it. Their relationships have lasted longer than many of the straight, married couples I know. The idea that because she said no she is to blame is ignorant and rather idiotic. You do not now if she has anxiety problems, had said she never wants to marry, or if she was truly hurt by what he did. Everyone likes to think that cute little moments with equal a lifetime of happiness. There are plenty of FMLs about girls who say "yes" to not make a scene then return the ring an hour later. She was honest with him.

Maybe it was a blessing in disguise(: maybe she's not the right girl for you

Oof. That must be hard. Listen, I'm not any matchmaker or anything, but if she had the imaginary balls to say that, she's not worth it bro.

Shorty777 4

How many times do i have say, do NOT propose to your girlfriends in public!

Why make a scene to get attention?! Should've just done it and less embarrassment.

catharsis5 9

Some women simply don't like public proposals. Some women don't want the leering and jeering. Some people just want to keep it intimate. Conversely, some women think that a grand gesture is romantic. You should know what type of proposal she would like if you're willing to marry her.