By Anonymous - 24/06/2013 20:26 - United States - Houston

Today, I took my girlfriend of nearly 2 years out to dinner so I could propose. When the waiter brought the check, I caused a bit of a scene to get everyone's attention. When I got on my knee and proposed, she said no and asked if I could hurry up and pay, because she was embarrassed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 757
You deserved it 18 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ileenefudge 29

Why make a scene? Were you assuming she would say yes just because everyone was looking at her? I'd be embarrassed too, because that's just asking for trouble in my opinion and if she says no(which she did) then people make her out to be cruel and heartless.

In my humble opinion, no proposal should ever be rejected because everyone who proposes should be DAMNED SURE the answer will be "yes". If you aren't absolutely positive, don't do it.


This actually happened to me by the way and I figured she'd be ok with it because she talks about how sweet it is when she see stuff like that in movies. And I didn't cause a huge scene I just said "hey waitress" really loud and when she looked to see where the waitress was I had gotten on my knee.

I bought her a 2 karat solitaire with a good band like the one she showed me when we went to Jared's in the mall and said she liked rings like that so I spent the 2800 on it. I took the ring back also and used the money for a pool table and a 72' inch flat screen

Man, she just prevented the biggest mistake of your life. Send her a thank you note and celebrate like there is no tomorrow

This is why I would hate to be proposed to in front of strangers. It's just a room full of people who are going to judge you with no information.

Unfortunately op, things like this you have to confirm before hand. All those fairytale proposals, they already know for a fact their significant other will say yes.

misataylor86 10

I'm going to propose but I want everyone to think I'm a jerk first?! Haha!

meli_lissabloom 5

Oh my goshh that sucks sooo much!!!!!

I'd be really embarrassed if my boyfriend made a scene too...ydi and fyl.