By testesential - 13/12/2011 17:24 - United States
Same thing different taste
Classic rookie mistake
By Anonymous - 04/11/2023 20:00 - United States
By FireoftheFuture - 02/05/2013 11:02 - United States
Pencils down
By Idiot - 16/12/2020 19:58
By Anonymous - 08/11/2011 17:58 - United States
Unfair failing
By Mistakes were made - 24/10/2022 23:00 - United States
By markymark - 17/05/2011 17:36 - United States
Roommates from hell
By Failure - 09/11/2009 22:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/01/2017 14:00 - United States
By its ok to cheat!? - 20/02/2013 21:52 - United States - Brisbane
By God,NotAgain,Please - 15/04/2017 19:00 - Pakistan - Karachi
Top comments
He just said he had seconds left dumbass
Even though he had seconds left, he could look over a split second or something. Anyways try for a retake or make up test
Been there before FyL OP. perhaps your teacher will let you retake it?
Rodgers!!! Discount double check
His point was that when you write down each answer, next time check after each one.
Also. If you tell your teacher what happened, they can look at your scantron and notice where the solid block or wrong answers begins. At that point it can be hand graded. A lot of the situations on this website can be solved by a little common sense.
@72... yeah, next time. Like when he has to retake the class. Sorry OP, this sucks harder than a $2 *****.
Teacher: "Double check!" Student: "Yeah, yeah, yeah." *End of test* Student: "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" Teacher: "Karma is a bitch, huh?"
27- taking a test on scantron is not as chill as that. It's a stressful as **** so you can't just take a few split seconds to check over all 200 questions.. If you can do that, please let me know so you can start taking my tests for me!!
140 ^ You deserve the thumbs Down for not double checking your spelling
That always happens to me, but it's not like you should double check each question, double check every 20 questions or so, that's what I do
not necessarily... some of those questions require "AB" or "CE" answers... so its not like it will tell you exactly that the double is wrong... but i do understand what you mean, and not all teachers like to take that much time, especially if they have a lot of students... or they might just be a crappy teacher and dont "have the time to let you redo"
Double check before the entire exam is done! Can't fill up bubbles without making sure at least once in 10 questions that you are getting the numbering right.
lol scranton
I've had that happen before, never with that many questions though, god that would suck.
That's why I circle on the test booklet too
But if you're even in Scranton, make sure to check out Schrute beet farms.
Thats why you look at the question number and what question your on every 10 or so questions
You screwed up... *points at number 3*
And THAT'S why you have 'emo' in your name.
Literally one of my biggest fears. I'm sorry OP!
@70... and enjoy a tasty hamburger while you are at it!
You would give up on life...because of one failed exam... Give me a ******* break. When you get knocked down, you get back up kicking and punching. Don't just stay down and give up like a little bitch.
98 - empathy through hyperbole. Only one in a million wouldn't get that...
curve is based on some people failing spectacularly to bring down the average for everyone I'm this case...he's the one setting the curve and saving other people
you have taken this WAY too literally
No from mars
I hate whenever I do that and the scantron sheets make it really disorientating.
I have no idea what a scantron sheet is, I'm Scottish, anyone fill me in please? Haha
It's basically a piece of paper where you fill in circles for the correct answers. This way, the teacher can scan it into the computer and it is graded automatically
Ahhh cool, thanks dude
They remind of a psychedelic light show.. But without the lights and colors.
My teacher taught me to look every 10 questions if I filled out each.
I can't mark on my tests because the schools don't have enough funds for a copy for all of us.
better hope it only happened with that final and not all of them because that....would suck even more

I've had that happen before, never with that many questions though, god that would suck.
If that happened to me, I would give up on life........