By Anonymous - 08/11/2011 17:58 - United States
Same thing different taste
Classic rookie mistake
By Anonymous - 04/11/2023 20:00 - United States
Unfair failing
By Mistakes were made - 24/10/2022 23:00 - United States
By its ok to cheat!? - 20/02/2013 21:52 - United States - Brisbane
By link - 26/05/2018 18:30 - United States - Edmond
Pencils down
By Idiot - 16/12/2020 19:58
By me - 14/04/2016 17:33 - United States - Katy
By markymark - 17/05/2011 17:36 - United States
By IBS - 06/05/2014 09:11 - China - Shanghai
Hard test
By Too Late - 19/12/2019 03:00 - United States - Sheboygan
By testesential - 13/12/2011 17:24 - United States
Top comments
Wow btw no one cares
lmao thus sucks nd happened to me before but yu should always check!!!!
1- Now your life is complete. You can now die happy
Megan, don't thread jack, it's illegal in 47 states
Oh man you ALWAYS check the back! D:
Since when is something that's worth half a grade on a single double sided sheet. The op used singular. So it was 1 sheet
I guess this is why my teacher would make us put our tests face down when we were done them.
@ 17, Please tell me that your comment was a joke or that you were trolling. If not than I have to agree with 29. When I take an important exam I always check the back and they I check my answer to see that answered all the questions. Doesn't everyone do that?
face palm* that's like the first thing I do when I get a test...
17 You're an idiot.
Well if you get 50% you know you would have aced it :D
@ 60, Doesn't that depend on the school he goes to? If I want to pass a test I need to get at least 75% correct.
73,He was saying if he did perfect on the front,he can assume he would have on the back. Not that he did pass. Notice the "WOULD have aced it."
It's really the teacher's fault, if he didn't tell you it wasnt double sided, or if it was just becasue you weren't listening then YDI. But anyway's the teacher should check both sides of the test, before you hand it in.
Always check the back. It should really be a habit by now if you're old enough to be taking exams.
@76, Thanks for pointing that out. I misunderstood it. I take my comment back than. To bad I can't delete it.
Always always always, check the back. Besides, don't you put your test upside down when your finished? So other people don't see your answers?
I mean, I can't be the only one who does that. Right?
No that was so no one would be able to see your answers
Assholes, everyone has done that once in they're life. I don't understand why some post get so many you deserve it's.
50 - massive troll. I swear you comment on every FML I see on here
Since you didn't check it is now worth quarter of a grade.
That's what she said.
In my gcse's English exam there was a question that needed a source that was on a different page and only half looked at it do it was discounted. Maybe the same will happen here? :)
Just in case no one got it after the very first comment! Im just gonna make sure we understand, always check the back!
You're orange
@165 No. No, I have never done that in my life. I always check the back of tests and I am sure there are many other people like me. OP does deserve what he got and YOU are the asshole.
Omg 200 thumbs up I love you guys :')
lol.This happened to me once during a chemistry test. I forgot my assignment at home that day and the teacher made me sit in the back of the room by myself while taking the test. When I got my test back, i was wondering why my chem grade was so low when I realized that I forgot to check the back for questions. :x Oh wells
Sorry but isn't it common sense to look at the back of the paper?
You can't always depend on common sense during a stressful exam.
Don't apologize, you're absolutely right(:
This is more then common sense, it's something that should be natural, before you even write your name you check how many questions there are in the exam, + you should have asked the teachers how many questions before the exam date. If they didnt say, it's only logic to check your self, no matter how stressed you are, it only takes a second, ydi
Yeah during an exam your stressed pi won't notice. But my teacher always go through it on the spot to make sure.
Dkparth13 Are you trying to copy my comment? >:L
It's not that hard to forget the back on a major test 3, OP was probably just stressing.
Common sense is the hardest common thing to find. Anyways, whenever we get stressful/nervous, like, during an exam, our sense goes out the window.
Hey 74 I think we got that now
137- I think you meant " Common sense is not so common" I believe that witty bastard Voltaire said it. I'm not sure hahaha.
^Doesn't matter; I wasn't quoting. As long as the sentence made sense, it's fine.
I have a question for you. HOWISTHATFUNNY
idk you tell me
Why would you get mugged during a test in the first place anyways?
Other test taker: *whispering* "Psst...yo dawg...gimme yo' answers!! I got a stapler in my backpack and I aint afraid to get it out!" And that's how op got mugged.
Other FML reference. ^
Wow that common sense people have these days
DKParth 13 is stealing comments from people, ******* troll.
145, I knows he stole my comment. >:L
You took a "major test" that only consisted of the front and back of a sheet of paper?
46 it's possible... It could've been a test where you write your answers on a seperate piece of paper.
At my school, we have one-sided IB Physics tests that are only short because of the amount of work needs to be done to solve each problem. Tests are 90% of our grade in that class. Same deal with my Calculus Internal Assessments.
Apparently not...
1337th "I agree, your life sucks"!
Mrs Bruno, I hope you have a cool life outside of school cause those 2 classes alone would either make me want to put a projectile through my brain or climb to the top of the bell tower! I'll buy you a shot this weekend. Better make it a bottle.
164, believe me, I've wanted to do the same. And please, a bottle would help ;)
Dude, SAME exact thing happened to me today, cept he let me retake it.
The back side of tests are always so sneaky...
Ikr.. That is the cause of 75% of my failed tests (3 out of 4)
112 wouldn't you learn from the first test that there are probably questions on the back?
ALWAYS check the back. YDI
Good job.
That happened to my friend! If you have a nice teacher ask him/her of you can redo the test or do the back again!
Soo... You've had a pet camel??? Wtf? And it was names cowey?? I would call it Toe. XD

Oh man you ALWAYS check the back! D:
Sorry but isn't it common sense to look at the back of the paper?