By Anonymous - 18/04/2013 07:54 - United States - Chicago

Today, I tried to explain to my history teacher why Woodrow Wilson would not have called the Great War "World War 1" as she constantly claims. I was sent to the office for my insubordination. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 998
You deserved it 4 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir_ND_Pity 35

How dare you correct your teacher, OP?! Don't you know they are ALWAYS right, even when they are wrong? Tsk tsk, you definitely deserved this! But, seriously, what a douche of a teacher.


needsagf14 12

That's like being George Washington calling it Revolutionary War I


Then she says george washington created the peanut

Rage against the machine. I have correct several college professors. Some take it better than others. Right is Right.

Your first mistake is thinking that school is there to teach you to think and be an individual. It's not. It's to teach you to be an obedient worker.

Here in amerIca we call it WWI, in Europe it is called the Great War. Since Woodrow Wilson is American he would of called it WWI. Like he did! Retards!!!!

please be joking, if not do not have children

Nope. He had no way of knowing that there would be a WW2 so he would not have bothered to qualify WW1 as being "first". You can't be the first of one thing.

You may call it that now, yes; because there has been another world war... but then they wouldn't have as they didn't know of this other war... Also, I'm English and I call it WWI so you can't just assume that he did because of his geographical location. Lastly, were you there? Did you hear him call it that? No? Didn't think so. P.S. You just called a very large group of people retards because you thought they were wrong (they're not, you are). Do you think retards are wrong? You disgust me.

RHCPmagik 0

I agree with you man.. I mean during world war 1. Why would you call it that if there hasnt been a ww2 or 3. Calling it world war 1 is like a foreshadowing..

I once had a history teacher in eighth grade who insisted that General Ulysses S. Grant was the Commander of the Confederate army, and General Robert E. Lee was the commander of the north. We had a long argument about it and she completely brushed me off, even after I showed her a citation from our text book. She also drew the Panama Canal through the straits of Magellan.

Labyrinth13 20

I never had an issue with teachers in high school being this way but college I certainly did. I had a professor ask me to drop her class because she asked for opinions and mine didn't agree with her's. I could back my opinion with facts and she could not do the same. She didn't like it so she made me leave. I had another professor when asked to explain the reason we did a certain assignment (what it was supposed to teach us) she had no reason to give. Her final answer when pressed for one, the project was intense and time consuming, was to teach us to match colors. She was a terrible art professor.

Just go with what the teacher says ONLY IN CLASS. When telling anyone else anywhere else, tell them the truth. That, or talk to the teacher before or after class. You aren't in that class anymore do they have no control over you then. I mean, if a random adult told you to follow him, does he have authority over you? No!

Having grown up in Illinois, I actually had a very interesting history teacher, who I believe was a german officer from WWII. Very strict, short tempered, but very knowledgeable. Anything military, firearms, etc. in great detail, he was willing to share with anyone interested. Now most of the rest of the teachers were idiots, and I ended up filling in for the computer teacher (A Physical Education -gym- major), who barely knew how to turn a computer on. Just remember the old saying - Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach.