By KarmaGirl - 11/09/2009 22:16 - United States
Hey! This is a true story people. She got wedged in a ramp comming out of a McDonalds in winter. She slipped, and fell where it was a concrete walled-in ramp. the walls were just tall enough to make it hard. She also had some sort of braces on her, she couldn't be rolled to one side or the other, no room to even squeeze in beside her. We actually had a LPN come along who knew how to properly lift someone heavy, and by herself.......I was only trying to help a sister out.....and she was not commando thank god! For all you who are interested in my afterlife status.....I don't believe in god, and it WAS an accident. I just figure I might be wrong, and no-one is suposed to have seen what I saw....that's all I'm saying people. KarmaGirl
Top comments
It says OP is a girl does it matter it's not like OP was a guy
Don't worry, hell doesn't actually exist
So did you see her bush or she had NUN? LMFAO!!! See what I did there? I replaced the word NONE with NUN because she INFACT was a NUN..........**** YOU!!!! IT'S FUNNY!
I don't think you will go to hell for this. It was an accident and you were trying to do something good. The world needs more people like you!
This is pretty funny! At east you were trying to help her.
Anyone else having trouble visualizing this?
i am pretty happy i am having trouble visualizing it