By Chedder - 26/06/2009 23:36 - United States

Today, I tried to keep a drunk girl from driving by holding her keys, but she had a spare set in her purse. She hit me with her car when I was walking home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 006
You deserved it 3 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

good on you for trying to keep her off the road. i hope this was reported to the police.

You called the police right? She committed at least 3 serious crimes by doing that. DUI, public intoxication (depending on state laws), and assault with a deadly weapon (also depending on state laws). She at least needs to be aware of how serious this is.


She's clearly one of those people who have no brain cells left. Shouldn't be allowed to drink.

If she was dumb enough to want to drink and drive and even had a spare key so that others can't stop her... you may have been better off letting nature run it's course. FYL regardless though.

ihatestupidppl 0

I'm so tempted to agree with you, but the only problem is the other people she could hurt (like OP). Otherwise, if it was guaranteed nature would run its course without getting innocent people involved, hell yeah

At least you were trying to do the right thing! I hope that she did not hit you too hard and that you are back to 110% soon! Did you report her, because I would have!

and you're not dead after being hit by a drunk driver? ******* miracle.

Prosecute. The life you save may be your own.

noo ******* wayyy!!! lmfaooo. u must be s great person

maybe he doesn't have a licence motherfuckers hence why he's walking home

In future cases, if you try to prevent someone from driving home drunk and they are refusing to let you stop them, the best thing you can do is call the police immediately, with the car make, model, license, colour, and the direction it was heading.

It's shit that it happened but you kinda deserve it. You take her keys which you hoped stopped her driving and running anyone over (irony there) but should have made sure she got home OK, if she'd tried to make her own way home without a car, anything could of happened to her. So if you try to be a hero, follow through.

She left herself stranded though. When she decided to drive to a party, then got to the party and got drunk, she stranded herself. She should have known "Oh, hey, I drove here, so I can't drink too much, so I'm not stranded here for the night."

#45 and #48 are complete dipsh*ts. You deserve whatever is coming to you when you're drunk. How does he deserve it when he's trying to do something nice for someone, hmm? The point is that they're your friend, so you give them their keys back tomorrow. Or maybe the guy was drunk too so that's why he couldn't drive her home. Maybe he had no money for the cab. Nice try 45,48. I hope both of you drive drunk, don't complain about it because you obviously deserved that one if you think this guy deserves it.