By Chedder - 26/06/2009 23:36 - United States

Today, I tried to keep a drunk girl from driving by holding her keys, but she had a spare set in her purse. She hit me with her car when I was walking home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 018
You deserved it 3 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

good on you for trying to keep her off the road. i hope this was reported to the police.

You called the police right? She committed at least 3 serious crimes by doing that. DUI, public intoxication (depending on state laws), and assault with a deadly weapon (also depending on state laws). She at least needs to be aware of how serious this is.


U should have let the bitch drive off, then tipped the cops tht she is DUI and got her ass into the lockup for the night.

BikerMike 0

call the cops on that ignorant ****

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

God, could everyone shut up about Karma? It amazes me that there are so many hardcore atheists on this site, bur everyone believes in the bullshit that is Karma. You guys don't even know what it IS. It's something that is supposed to affect you in your next life.

Could everyone get off of everyone else's backs about what they believe? Meaning is completely individual. They can believe whatever they want to believe about karma or god or whatever! It doesn't make any difference to you if they don't have the meaning of karma completely inline with yours.

greatnt249 0

It's called hijacking a word and giving it a definition to suit your own needs; doing so demonstrates ignorance. If you can't use the term properly, then don't use it at all.

pinkpiggy77 0

Wrong! You're not correct in your meaning for it either. If you were to read some ancient Hindu scripture known as the Bhagavad Gita, you would learn that there are four kinds of karma, with one form being immediate actions affecting a future life, but another form being immediate actions that impact the current life. You look twice as dumb accusing others of ignorance when you're unaware of the truth yourself.

milgalo 0

Maybe he could've offered her somewhere to stay at his house, or something. Sounds sketchy, but if they're good friends, I doubt he'd do anything. Maybe let her sleep on his couch? I don't know, but meh. I think he did a good thing to try to keep her off the road. She deserves what happens to her if she doesn't have her night planned out, and she shouldn't have to risk someone's live because of her poor judgement. Just a thought. :] "HEY GUYS ITS KARMA." I love how everyone is getting into a pointless fight over this... You don't have to agree with me, but Karma is part of a religion. God has many different meanings, too. I think that Karma can, as well. And if the thing about the 4 different karma's is true, then, well, I guess the people who say you're butchering the word don't really know what they're talking about either... :] You don't have to be part of a religion to believe a certain part of it, like agnostics do. By the way, words develop because of the way people use them. If 80% of the population uses Karma in a "what goes around, comes around" way, that's how the word will be defined. Words change, stop complaining.

pinkpiggy77 0

The following is taken from the wiki page for karma- "Prarabdha: Fruit-bearing karma is the portion of accumulated karma that has "ripened" and appears as a particular problem in the present life."

ohhhhshizzz 0

Wikipedia is not a variable source, honestly, Don't make yourself look like a dipshit. And I hate all the people who get all bent out of shape when people talk about Karma, someone does this every FML WHO THE **** CARES?! Gosh, this is just a site, not something you have to get butthurt about. Take a chillpill.

Good job for trying but at that point you should have just called the cops.. she really deserved to be arrested for that shit and should see the severity of her actions

If this FML is legitimate you did the right thing. People like this girl are the reason so many die by drunk drivers.. f her.

you were trying to help, she didnt need to be such a bitch!

ohsnapitsmoses 0

No good deed goes unpunished.

hey, look on the bright side. After that it wouldn't be hard to screw her