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By Anonymous - 30/11/2017 10:22 - United States

Today, I tried to pay my phone bill. My account said my zip code for my card was wrong, so I called customer service. After a half-hour wait, I finally got ahold of someone. Right as we connected, the call dropped. My plan had expired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 372
You deserved it 590

Emi N. Jax tells us more.

Ok so to everyone saying "why don't you just do automatic payments?" Or "the bill is the same time every month just plan ahead." IVE BEEN TRYING TO FIX THIS SINCE AUGUST! I can't connect my credit card due to the "incorrect zip code" and was trying to call customer service to get that fixed. Thank you -_-

Top comments

That sucks, but you should definitely keep track of when your payments are due and take care of them several days before to make sure you have a buffer in case something like this happens.

I'm positive they knew the situation, and they intentionally waited until the plan expired, so now you gotta pay extra to get a new one. <i>*puts on tin-foil hat*</i> It's a conspiracy!!!!!!


I'm positive they knew the situation, and they intentionally waited until the plan expired, so now you gotta pay extra to get a new one. <i>*puts on tin-foil hat*</i> It's a conspiracy!!!!!!

You ought to mail the phone company a letter! That’s where you write your thoughts on a piece of paper, fold it up and slide it into another piece of paper that is prefolded, called an envelope. Put a stamp on it (I’ll get they cost $7 to $8 dollars, by now), and mail it to the company. You’ll get things straightened out in a few months.

That sucks, but you should definitely keep track of when your payments are due and take care of them several days before to make sure you have a buffer in case something like this happens.

It was their screw up. He was attempting to fix it and get his bill paid. I've seen a lot of these verification systems, screw up, lately. I just had one do it to me a few hours ago, when attempting to verify my address for a community group signup. Even checked my info with the bank. Not the first time. Had one once ask me if I knew anyone in a list of people, and they were all utter strangers, so i was not verified.

WeirdUS 29

Bills are due same time every month. If you waited long enough for it to get cut off that is on you. I have been there before where I had to wait and I had to get it turned back on. I hope your situation improves. If you can't do the full amount try to pay into it every week.

Can't you do a automatic withdrawal? I do that with every bill that gives me the option to do so

Ok so to everyone saying "why don't you just do automatic payments?" Or "the bill is the same time every month just plan ahead." IVE BEEN TRYING TO FIX THIS SINCE AUGUST! I can't connect my credit card due to the "incorrect zip code" and was trying to call customer service to get that fixed. Thank you -_-

TeachAllTheMath 19

Then you need to contact your bank to get your zip code on your card fixed, then do automatic payments.

So if you knew it was a problem and had been trying to fix the problem with your bank, why didn't you have a back up plan for your payment? I assume you found some way to pay them last month and the month before, otherwise you wouldn't have had service recently.

I've had this and all sorts of other problems with cell providers. All sorts of ways to end up not being able to get their bills sorted out. And some folks out there cannot afford to pay in advance, or through autopay.

Piece of advice. Don't leave this stuff to the last minute. Plan ahead.

tearbear14 13

sounds like you should contact customer service for the card you used, not your phone company. I've had this issue before. in fact, I put in the wrong zip at a gas station while on vacation in another state and it locked my bank card and I have no access to my money the rest of the trip. They made me go into an actual bank branch to change the zip and of course there were no bank branches for hundreds of miles while on vacation, so I had to wait until I returned home. anyway, hope you get everything figured out!