By Dillyduzit - 20/10/2012 18:50 - Australia - Brunswick

Today, I tried to tell my best friend how wrong she is to be dating a married man, whose wife happens to be pregnant with their first child. Our talk ended with her calling me a "meddling, frigid bitch" and me being told this is why I can't get laid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 236
You deserved it 2 812

Dillyduzit tells us more.

Dillyduzit 23

OP here. It's been three years since the incident, and I finally took the time to read all the comments and figured I can now do a complete follow-up. My best friend and I were in our senior year of high school, and the married man she was seeing was a few years older than us. I didn't know him or his wife. Basically, the guy had a long-term girlfriend who he left because he moved across the country, where he met my best friend. She dated him and lost her virginity to him, so he was her "first love" and that whole deal. He went back to his old town to visit friends and family, slept with his ex, and then came back to my best friend who didn't know. He found out his ex was pregnant, dumped my best friend, and married his ex who moved across the country to be with him and raise their family. My best friend was heartbroken, but I guess he was telling her that he still loved her and was only married to his wife because she was pregnant, but he would eventually leave his wife for her. She- being vulnerable and young- believed it and kept seeing him. Looking out for my friend's best interests, I tried to tell her that what she was doing was wrong- not just for the wife and kid, but for herself, because he obviously was using her and had no intentions of leaving his pregnant wife. She didn't like what I was saying and essentially told me to **** off. I didn't tell the wife (even though I wanted to) because I didn't know her and didn't need my best friend to be mad at me. I was kind of afraid of her because she has a very aggressive personality and I've always been very passive. But anyway, she eventually found someone else and ended things with the cheating asshole. It took some time though. Nevertheless, her and I are still friends. We dropped the "best" though and I keep her at arm's length because new incidents have arisen throughout the past couple of years that made me realize she doesn't deserve my friendship. Karma also helped a girl out and I'm happily married while she still searches for someone who will love her despite the fact that she's crazy. And you best believe I've been keeping my husband far away from her. Thanks for reading! Sorry this was so long.

Top comments

Tell her at least you're not so desperate to get laid that you'd chase after people who are already taken.

She's the bitch.... But I'm sure you put yourself out there you will get laid!


hotPinklipstick 24

I understand that she is your friend and what she is doing is wrong, but you can't tell her how to live her life. If she's ok with being a homewrecker let her do it. She will learn that what she's doing is wrong eventually. No matter what logic you throw at her she will have a rebuttal, there's no point in arguing with stupidity.

You'd just sit back and let your friend wreck their own and someone else's life without any sort of input or guidance? You get friend of the year award hands down.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the OP giving her best friend advice. After all, that's what friends are for. And sometimes you need a friend to tell you that you're doing something wrong before you realize it for yourself.

Best friends are supposed to let each other know what's up. That's what best friends are for...

amandajlucas2015 2

I agree I have had friends who were doing stuff that was not in their best interest and I was not afraid to tell them i didnt agree w Wut they were doing.. I have lost some friends that way but if they are going to get mad over it then most likely they weren't good friends to begin with

yeah she can give advice but she has to have been a little pushy for her friend to flip out like that.

Just like with addictions and mental illness, until people are ready to change, there is nothing you can say to get through to them. It's a shame, since if its someone we care about, the normal reaction is to try help. Most of the time, the friend pushes you away. Sometimes it's best to speak your mind and let it drop. Then wait until they are ready to make the change and be there to help them.

A true friend steps in and acts in the best interests of their friend, rather than silently watching them break down.

Your friend is a home-wrecking twat who hasn't a clue what havoc she is wreaking and clearly doesn't care. People like that are the worst kind of people. I hope the pregnant wife finds her and kicks her ass. Get rid of the bitch, and make sure she knows exactly why.

Took the words outta my mouth. I've actually seen it happen about four times and each time the husband wanted the kid. Why do they deserve the kid when he couldn't not cheat.

Llamacod 11

cheating has nothing to do with "deserving" kids, it has to do with "deserving" a trustworthy, honest spouse

Both parties are at fault if both parties are aware that it's cheating.

Yes #30 and even #47! That's why I object to the term "home wrecker" Docbastard. While what the friend is doing is obviously wrong, I'm sure the husband isn't innocent and wouldn't cheat with anyone else. Therefore, I believe he's the one "wrecking" the "home" as he's the married one, cheating on his wife.

I almost hope the wife doesn't find out, or if she does, that she forgives her husband. Coming from a broken family, I would hate to see yet another baby cast into a world where mom and dad hate each other.

Clueless05 - Your username is strangely appropriate. Of course both parties are guilty, but the girl is dating a man who is married to a pregnant woman and obviously sees nothing wrong with it. Greenie - It's better for a couple like this to break up than to stay together "for the sake of the child". Children who are subjected to parents fighting grow up with a very skewed view of how relationships work.

Docbastard- I agree with you that what the girl is doing is wrong! However, I don't believe she should be called a"home wrecker." The way I see it, the husband is the "home wrecker," as he is the one who chose to wreck his family by cheating.

Doc. I'm not talking about staying together for the child's sake. I'm talking about true forgiveness. That the father knows that what he did was wrong, and the mother knows that and chooses to still love him. It's a rarity, I know, for people to forgive, but hopefully it can be done.

BubbleGrunge 18

You know, both the friend and the husband are considered home wreckers. Doc-what you are saying is correct but, to me, the husband is a cold hearted bastard. He has more to loose than the friend; cheating on your pregnant wife makes you low life scum. The friend is trash too, but the husband is taking a chance on his family. The friend is just taking a chance on her ******. Anyway, Greenie- many children are raised in single parent homes. Just because there might be a divorce, doesn't have to imply a family is "broken." In fact, many people have very loving, and healthy single parent households. The worse thing to do for your child is to stay in a home where you are unhappy. It will rub off on your child.

Greenie, I understand what you're saying completely. I don't understand why you keep getting thumbed down. I went through a similar situation with my parents; they did get back together for the sake of their children, but it wasn't the true forgiveness you described, however much I wished they would. I suppose only people from broken homes can understand what you mean

*Lose Be deprived of or cease to have or retain (something). Cause (someone) to fail to gain or retain (something). *Loose Not firmly or tightly fixed in place; detached or able to be detached. Set free; release. I apologize for correcting your spelling. I will go back to the shadows now.

BubbleGrunge and Greenie - You're both right, of course. I didn't say it explicitly but the man deserves to have his balls removed. There's a reason adultery used to be punishable by death. I simply can't understand a man who cheats on his wife, especially if she's pregnant. Yes, they are both home-wreckers, absolutely.

JOcoco 14

To WritingWrongs and greenie - I also come from a split family and I'll tell you what, if my parents ever got back together "for the sake of their children" I would slap them both upside the head. That feeling of wanting you talked about WritingWrongs it just screws a person up. I spent so long wanting them to be happy together and then I realized it would never happen that'd they'd hurt each other to much and I decided well fine I want them to at least be happy separated. So I believe that parents shouldn't get back together but rather that they should be happy for the "sake of their child". At least then the child won't grow up in an environment filled with hate.

What's happened to people's morals these days???? ******* bitch.

We used to exorcize these kinds of fiends. A good stoning can fix any problem.

Llamacod 11

out, vaginas couldn't fall off they would have to fall out.

This thread made for some interesting imagery.

I should not have read this before sleeping... D: I don't want this to happen to me in my nightmares!

serenity40 6

you should have called her a home wrecking bitch.

Yea lie to your friends! That always helps.. SMH..

How is that a lie again....??? She IS being a home wrecker, and knowingly, which is the worst part.

Remember Op it takes two so their both wrong for doing it, but your friend is a ***** and a bitch for telling you stuff for trying to help her.

Mearemoi 14

Well, I guess you're not going to let her cry on your shoulder when she discovers she's destroyed a family.

^agreed. God knows... When you fall ill be the only one that walks away, when you call ill be the first to tell you I can't stay....