By crixon42 - 18/11/2013 23:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I turned 30. While all my friends are getting married, furthering careers and having children, I'm still sat around being as immature as I was as a teenager. I'm going through a classic case of premature age-jaculation. I laughed for 10 minutes after coming up with that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 682
You deserved it 39 663

crixon42 tells us more.

OP here, love all you guys who appreciate the pun, and don't you all worry I do not live at home, I have a job and am not a serial sponger.

Top comments


It's your life. Enjoy it the way you see fit. I'm in my 30's I have a wife and kids but I'm still immature as well.

graphicstyle7 17

Y'know... a lot of your friends will be divorced in ten years. Those kids I'm sure are a tremendous joy to their parents, but they are also a HUGE strain on their time, patience, and budget. It's your life. If you never feel like getting married, don't. If you don't want kids, don't have them. DON'T ever feel pressured into doing these things because everyone else is. LOL, sounds like anti-drug advice. You may feel old at 30, but you're NOT. Give it time, see who you are, and go with that.

For you, there should be a third choice-your life sucks AND it's your own damn fault. I hope you are at least living on your own and not glomming off of your parents.

You sound awesome. Sometimes maturity isn't in the cards till way later. I approve.

its my big 3 decade too. and though I have a couple of degrees and a decent job, I feel the same as you do op

Well, they do say the first forty years of childhood are always the hardest.

Technically, wouldn't 'premature age-jaculation' mean you gain maturity *before* it's typically expected?

Better start flipping dope... No age requirements for that. ^_^

BradTheBrony 19

More like young at fart! Tee-hee, fart. (I'm a 3rd-grader at heart.)