By crixon42 - 18/11/2013 23:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I turned 30. While all my friends are getting married, furthering careers and having children, I'm still sat around being as immature as I was as a teenager. I'm going through a classic case of premature age-jaculation. I laughed for 10 minutes after coming up with that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 682
You deserved it 39 663

crixon42 tells us more.

OP here, love all you guys who appreciate the pun, and don't you all worry I do not live at home, I have a job and am not a serial sponger.

Top comments


Better to be a shepherd than a sheep my friend. Happy Birthday :)

Grow a beard to be more manly and go to a bar

jcshadow 16

Yeah SHE would look way more mature with a beard.

BrittNic0le 9

If you're happy with your life, there's no reason to "grow up" because you feel pressure from your peers. Soon enough, they'll be envying your freedom.

ravenevercross 19

I don't see the problem. Everyone lives their own lives in their own way. If you like who you are and how you are, that's all that matters.

welcome to the generation of 30 year old boys, brother.