By WelcomeWagon - 28/06/2010 20:35 - United States

Today, I unpacked in my new, non-air conditioned apartment wearing nothing but underwear, a tank top and an apron to stay cool. Later, I realized I'd crossed through the complex to my car and the dumpster many times, and arranged my deck overlooking the parking lot, without ever donning shorts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 538
You deserved it 42 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ShitYourDickhole 0
karlymuffinx 0

I guess you've a little too comfortable without pants. ho.

And you are retarded and an attention *****.

im sure all the neighbors welcomed u after that

ShitYourDickhole 0
cheergirly16 0

97 what's up with all the bitchy smiley faces?? that seriously irratates people!

xoluvinshayxo 0

Haha, who cares. I walk around in a shirt & underwear all the time. xD