By WelcomeWagon - 28/06/2010 20:35 - United States

Today, I unpacked in my new, non-air conditioned apartment wearing nothing but underwear, a tank top and an apron to stay cool. Later, I realized I'd crossed through the complex to my car and the dumpster many times, and arranged my deck overlooking the parking lot, without ever donning shorts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 538
You deserved it 42 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments


justanotherbird 19

I can sympathize with you OP. I hate wearing pants and more often than not walk around in my underwear when no one else is in my apartment. I guess I am used to feeling pantless, so once I did walk out my door and took a few seconds before I realized my mistake. Lucky for me no one was around. Although I wouldn't have been that embarrassed anyway.

Phoenix1023 3

she should visit her neighbors. I bet they took some!

AdventSeph 7

I think the apron was to keep potential stains off of herself while unpacking.