By anonymous - 01/10/2011 14:18 - United States

Today, I used a public restroom with very shiny floors. So shiny, in fact, that I could see a clear reflection of the person in the next stall. I'm pretty sure they could see me too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 757
You deserved it 3 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CVeNgineer 0

I'm not really sure if a restroom that clean actually exists!


Open your eyes wider and pop a huge grin.

Oh god I hate that....especially if there's a light right over your stall, makes it so much worse incredibly awkward

So, did you enjoy both sound and visual effects of the show?

that_nerdy_sock 3

I'm guessing it was shiny because it was clean. So that's a pretty clean shithole.