By MissMae93 - 26/04/2012 01:27 - United States

Today, I've been diagnosed with a severe lung infection. This causes me to viciously hack up a lung every two minutes or so. Not only can I barely breathe as it is, my job requires lots of running around, cleaning and interacting with customers. I have a five-hour shift tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 760
You deserved it 2 463

MissMae93 tells us more.

To everyone saying I should have called in: unfortunately my work only provides about 3 sick days, which I used when I had my wisdom teeth removed. As for management, usually only one or two people are required to run the entire store (and of course, it was just me). They require much more notice and there was no one else available for the shift. Thank you to everyone with kind words and trust me, if I could have called in, I would have.

Top comments

How many lungs do you have? I fear you may die soon.

Nothing wrong with calling out sick when it's legit


It's not good customer relations to have an employee hacking over the customers. Your boss should thank you for not coming in in your current conditions. For hell's sake call in sick.

Agreed! Take the day off!! Get well soon OP! xx

Don't go!! aunt died from it :(

Read I have a cough but my doctor won't give me a sick note for the job I hate

marisadc79 0

I'd call in sick. No boss wants other employees and customers getting ill. FYL.

katcot99 11

You should probably say your hacking up pieces of the lung, if your hacking up the whole thing, then ma'am you have a problem.

nofearjenshere 12

It's called exaggeration... If she was hacking up pieces of a lung she would have a huge problem just as well.

katcot99 11

I'm referring to if you hack up the whole lung you'd be dead.

Now all you need is to develop a habit of smoking cigarettes. But no, I'm sure it is painful though, sorry OP.