By MissMae93 - 26/04/2012 01:27 - United States

Today, I've been diagnosed with a severe lung infection. This causes me to viciously hack up a lung every two minutes or so. Not only can I barely breathe as it is, my job requires lots of running around, cleaning and interacting with customers. I have a five-hour shift tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 759
You deserved it 2 463

MissMae93 tells us more.

To everyone saying I should have called in: unfortunately my work only provides about 3 sick days, which I used when I had my wisdom teeth removed. As for management, usually only one or two people are required to run the entire store (and of course, it was just me). They require much more notice and there was no one else available for the shift. Thank you to everyone with kind words and trust me, if I could have called in, I would have.

Top comments

How many lungs do you have? I fear you may die soon.

Nothing wrong with calling out sick when it's legit


Who writes 'you deserved it' on a story like this? It's not even remotely funny to do that

luckyd880 12

Maybe they feel like op deserves it for not calling in.

luckyd880 12

I agree it's not funny at all, just saying an alternative to them just being stupid or cruel. I think op should def call in. Any doctor would recommend staying home and would gladly write a note.

Maybe the people accidentally pressed YDI, then pressed FYL. It happened to me once.

80- One does not "accidentally" press YDI.

Or they Actually read the whole thing and realized he said "coughing up a lung every 2 minutes" which, correct me if I'm wrong, is not possible

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

I'm sure the doctor who diagnosed you can write a note for ya. Your boss can't legally give you shit then, should you call off.

Damn, I thought it was bad when my boss scheduled me for a double and I had really bad food poisioning. I hope it clears itself up soon OP!

A lung infection is called pneumonia and if it's so severe you should be in the hospital right now getting X-rays and treatment for it with antibiotics and breathing treatments from an RT. I'm an RT and people with pneumonia are usually in a droplet isolation precaution room; meaning you can spread it by coughing. Just a head's up.

I had a lung infection which was not pneumonia. I can't recall what it was called but it was not pneumonia. Whatever it was, I was off work for over two weeks and thought I might die in my sleep... OP should be calling in ill.

BellaMarta 19

Why didn't you just stay home?

Michael_92 20

Only thing that comes to mind is that the money is really needed.

I'm pretty sure that'd be more than a good excuse not to work.

This would probably be the right day to call in sick. Don't think your boss would be to happy if you ran out of lungs to cough up, and died in front of the customers

luckyd880 12

Was this story reposted or maybe just a similar one. But I swear I read this one the other day...hmmm There are people hacking up lungs everywhere I guess!

Yikes! Hope you feel better. Make sure to take your daily vitamins and lots of water. When I'm sick, I drink orange juice once in the morning and then at night in addition to lots of water and vitamins.

No one is obligated to the unreasonable.