By MissMae93 - 26/04/2012 01:27 - United States

Today, I've been diagnosed with a severe lung infection. This causes me to viciously hack up a lung every two minutes or so. Not only can I barely breathe as it is, my job requires lots of running around, cleaning and interacting with customers. I have a five-hour shift tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 759
You deserved it 2 463

MissMae93 tells us more.

To everyone saying I should have called in: unfortunately my work only provides about 3 sick days, which I used when I had my wisdom teeth removed. As for management, usually only one or two people are required to run the entire store (and of course, it was just me). They require much more notice and there was no one else available for the shift. Thank you to everyone with kind words and trust me, if I could have called in, I would have.

Top comments

How many lungs do you have? I fear you may die soon.

Nothing wrong with calling out sick when it's legit


hereinnc 12

That sucks OP FYL. I have been in situations where my work would not allow me to take time off and I was sick and HAD to work. I hope you get to feeling better ASAP! As for people dogging her over her taking time off for wisdom teeth removal... Not everyone has the same experience. It all depends on where they are located and how your body reacts to the removal. I personally healed fast but my ex swelled up so badly he had 2 black eyes.

Because it's not like there are children missing fingers in China and they still work to help support their families. Jeez. The Western world mentality is ridiculous.

Many people don't have computer or internet. You're ridiculous for using it. You should be suffering as much as they are; am I following your train of thought right?

Oh lord, another Dumbass trying to detonate the morality bomb. Listen, this site is not for you. Go perform your charity work somewhere else.

Bigmoneyshotz 0
krysal2395 1

Get an inhaler it helps SOOOO much!

roguewave 1

If you were coughing your lungs out every two seconds you'd be dead by now. My goodness, get the terminology correct

My god, can't you understand what "Figure of Speech" means?

Well at least u were not dignose with lung cancer, i only have so long to live

YDI simply for the fact you are planning to go to work other then calling in sick

Read comment #64. It shows why OP can't call in sick.

baileygirl88 8

I wish my shifts were only 5 hours! Feel better OP that seriously sucks .

That's it go to work and spread the love. How freaking inconsiderate can you be?