By MissMae93 - 26/04/2012 01:27 - United States

Today, I've been diagnosed with a severe lung infection. This causes me to viciously hack up a lung every two minutes or so. Not only can I barely breathe as it is, my job requires lots of running around, cleaning and interacting with customers. I have a five-hour shift tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 760
You deserved it 2 463

MissMae93 tells us more.

To everyone saying I should have called in: unfortunately my work only provides about 3 sick days, which I used when I had my wisdom teeth removed. As for management, usually only one or two people are required to run the entire store (and of course, it was just me). They require much more notice and there was no one else available for the shift. Thank you to everyone with kind words and trust me, if I could have called in, I would have.

Top comments

How many lungs do you have? I fear you may die soon.

Nothing wrong with calling out sick when it's legit


So go get a doctor's note and take a few days off. You're not going to get better if you keep working like that.

Ask for the night off? I'm sure your manager would oblige when it's something that serious.

firefighterjohn 9

like number 4 said. if you keep "coughing up your lungs" your not gonna have any soon. hopefully you "reswollow" those lungs. ... maybe your coughing up mucious

I don't. I'm extremely against it, my grandfather had a tumor in his brain due to cigarette smoking.

Kristoffer 35

At least it's a short shift. But I agree that you should call in sick if that's an option. And to all those people saying "you're gonna die in 4 minutes if you keep coughing up a lung every 2 minutes" 1) she'd be dead already just figuring out how long between coughing up each lung and 2) ever hear of a figure of speech? It was funny the first time. The second, and every time after, was stupid.

To everyone saying I should have called in: unfortunately my work only provides about 3 sick days, which I used when I had my wisdom teeth removed. As for management, usually only one or two people are required to run the entire store (and of course, it was just me). They require much more notice and there was no one else available for the shift. Thank you to everyone with kind words and trust me, if I could have called in, I would have.

perdix 29

Three days for wisdom teeth? Sounds like you milked that for extra vacation days. While it's hard to believe that Canada has such shitty labor laws, you could always take unpaid leave. Hacking up a lung on customers is so thoroughly disgusting, you probably harmed your business more than you helped. If your management is so lazy and stupid that they cannot handle emergencies like your sudden unavailability, they really ought to shut the doors for good.

I was swollen for 7 days, to the point where I could only eat mush and couldn't see through my right eye. At that point I would rather be at work than in that situation.

perdix 29

No, you should power through it. Pulled teeth aren't contagious, so isolating yourself at home isn't a matter of public health. I went back to school the same day I had my wisdom teeth pulled. Does that make me some sort of nerd super-hero? Obviously, things would be different if it was a botched job, but otherwise, do whatever work you can physically handle.

Maybe enough customers will complain about you spreading germs that they'll send you home. I know I would. Good luck and get well soon.

I assume you mean PAID sick days, because we have something called the Family Medical Leave Act in the USA. This means that you can take up to twelve weeks off every year (unpaid) for medical emergencies, and to care for family members (the FMLA time is generally what people use for maternity leave), and your job (or a similar one) HAS to be there for you. There are additional requirements (you have to have been an employee for a certain amount of time, etc), but it is absolutely illegal for them to fire you because you called in sick.

coffeechick68 1

Severe lung infection? Understandable, but somehow Im thinking youre exaggerating (sp?) slightly. On the other hand I understand how you feel, I had bronchitis several months ago and I couldnt leave work cause we were short staffed, I ended up taking orders for drive thru, that was shit that week

I take it when you say "your job requires" you also mean that your also required to be there regardless! So FYL!!! Yes - there are companies that just don't give a rats a$$ if your sick or not, be there or we'll find someone who will. My advice- share share share.... Lick the bosses glass when he's not looking. Spit all over him as you cough up that lung. No sense letting germs go to waste!

If its that bad, they should send you home, right?