By Pauline - 09/02/2016 21:35 - United States

Today, I visited my son at his university accommodations and noticed he's clearly never cleaned it since he moved in two years ago. I tried cleaning it myself, but gave up entirely when I found what looked like mushrooms growing out of an old takeout container. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 803
You deserved it 2 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Oh, yeah, those were totally there by mistake, mom. By the way, where'd you happen to put that container? I'm just curious…"


I understand you're a mother, but he has to learn that living in filth is a bad habit. You should've put those mushrooms on his pillow

I dont know how people can live in conditions like that. That's disgusting

How does his roomate handle the messy room?

I don't know momma, it sounds like you may have found his stash!

Confront him and tell him to clean up you shouldn't be doing it for him he's old enough

That's disgusting. Wait until he has to live with other people who won't deal with his shit.

UTreeHugginHip 4

Plot twist : He is a drug dealer, and the is his stash that he hides in all the clutter.

Forget cleaning, just burn the whole place down... I don't think cleaners would do anything. Ick.