By mindjob - 29/09/2014 02:49
mindjob tells us more.
And run I did! Well, not really, but I got out of there as fast as possible. I was too embarrassed about being stood up and being accused of watching kids to have a sharp wit and a good response. An excuse was mumbled and I got out of there! And 54, I wouldn't normally wait longer than a half hour at most, but I suppose I was pretty hopeful for this date!
Top comments
I would've replied actually I am waiting for a date that I appear to be getting stood up on but thank you for your concern.
Should of known that a date in a park was never going to happen.
You need to move to another town/city/country. where is this 'failed' society so I can avoid it.
I don't think anyone should change yo please others. You can go wherever you like and if some uptight bitches are so worried they can keep their kids at home.
Just say you're waiting for someone and stand your ground! Not everyone who sits in a park is a creeper. Although, after an hour they probably weren't coming :( sorry OP, bad luck.
"Run bitch ruuuun!" lol no but really, I would have ran out of there before it got serious