By Anonymous - 10/01/2013 06:13 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, I waited over an hour for my bus. As I finally saw it approaching, I reached into my purse to grab my ticket. The lady next to me then gave the driver a hand signal to keep driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 450
You deserved it 3 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have looked right in the eyes and flipped her the finger. FYL OP that really sucks


webshammo 8

Hop on her back and tell her where she needs to take you.

Usually, when my bus comes, I just kinda stand up and step forward, so the driver could see I want to get on the bus. And maybe she thought the same, because you were kinda just standing there?

Jessj958 19

Very true #34, but at the same time I don't think the lady should have assumed OP wasn't getting on the bus. It was rude of her to not even ask OP and just signal the driver to keep going.

I think it depends where you are. In Scotland where I live, the buses should always stop if they see you at a stop in the countryside, and they only stop in the city if you flag them down. If they stopped at every bus stop in the city with people standing at the shelter, they would stop every 6ft.

One time I saw a guy signal the bus to leave with his hand, but he was on the phone and wasn't referring to the bus. He waited for the bus on the next corner.

I would have waved after the buss, and given the lady the finger!

Jordath_Fil 11

What a kind, considerate older woman not wanting to make the driver stop for her..

Mf2307 15

hopefully you didnt have to wait long for the next bus

That's happened to me before too : always be prepared!