By Cheese4men - 14/05/2010 23:28 - Canada

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend saying, "I shall be the prince, and you shall be the princess," to his hamster. Once he saw me, he quickly turned to the hamster and said, "I have to go. The dragon is here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 526
You deserved it 65

Top comments

hahahah this is funny . ur bf sounds like a keeper.....

xn8gx 0

hey if my gf breathed fire, I'd warn my hamster too! just saying...


caticaticati 3

I bet you don't have a sense of humor. Or you do and you just wanted to get on FML, but now you sound like a humorless bitch, sooo...

therevolution 0

omg funniest fml i've read in awhile hahahahaha oh man I could only imagine the deer caught in a headlights look he had when she saw him hahahahahaha

lifecangotohell 0

baha ******* ha! most hilarious fml.. ever!

haha thiz iz juzt to funny, nice sence of humor, not really an insult or anything, u propably took it the wrong way

HaHaHaHanna 0
Anon9002 0

I should remember this line and use it next time :D

kaitidid16 0

HaHa awww this is cute and creepy at the same time, Hampsters are just adorable anyway so you have to love them

How cute and quaint and stuff. No wonder he calls you a dragon though.