By Cheese4men - 14/05/2010 23:28 - Canada

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend saying, "I shall be the prince, and you shall be the princess," to his hamster. Once he saw me, he quickly turned to the hamster and said, "I have to go. The dragon is here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 526
You deserved it 65

Top comments

hahahah this is funny . ur bf sounds like a keeper.....

xn8gx 0

hey if my gf breathed fire, I'd warn my hamster too! just saying...


hhhiii 0

hahah how creepy and somehow cute (x

yea, creepy/cute. Just hope he wasent serious

tasha_caliente 0

my favorite fml

hahahhahaha he has to slay you for his hamster.......

lmao lmao haha this was a funny one thank you

laideehawk 6

Your bf sounds adorable! Keep him! A man with a good sense of humor is hard to find!

This sounds really cute! Unless he was serious then it becomes slightly worrying...

I'm sorry you don't have a sense of humor. :(

lilypearl71 0

i think you boyfriend has a funny sense of humor. SENSE OF HUMOR & SEX:2 most impotant in a serious relationship if youre gonna make it.