By Cheese4men - 14/05/2010 23:28 - Canada

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend saying, "I shall be the prince, and you shall be the princess," to his hamster. Once he saw me, he quickly turned to the hamster and said, "I have to go. The dragon is here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 526
You deserved it 65

Top comments

hahahah this is funny . ur bf sounds like a keeper.....

xn8gx 0

hey if my gf breathed fire, I'd warn my hamster too! just saying...


at least it was a hamster, not a gerbil. collect all the cardboard tubes you can find and destroy them now.

arxel91 0

Kinda sounds like my bf. He's an oddball.. that's why i love him though.

clipper_ship 0

I.... wow. I don't know what to say. that's a tad bizarre.....

this totally belongs on MLIA, not FML. your boyfriend is cool, you just haven't figured it out yet.

MLIA is for people with low standards.