By bluerhhajfk - 19/08/2013 23:29 - United States - Providence

Today, I walked in on my brother smoking weed. He immediately tried to hide it by dropping it down his pants, still lit. Screaming in pain, he pulled down his pants. The ashes burned his knob. I had to take him to the emergency room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 739
You deserved it 3 572

bluerhhajfk tells us more.

Apparently his friend gave him some to try. He's only 14 so I don't think he knew any better. He told me he was experimenting, and I think that's an okay thing to do so long as he learned his lesson. He is just a young stupid teenager. Moral of the story: Don't do drugs, kids. Or you'll burn your penises.

Top comments

ewmoldycheese 14

But.. what if we don't have a penis? Are we safe to smoke weed then?


rebellionwars 11

The outlawing of alcohol: prohibition. 'twas done in the 40's/50's (I think?.. Please correct me if I'm wrong,) and look how that turned out. People would be bootlegging alcohol and as well as having drug dealers on the streets, there would be alcohol dealers and a whole new chapter for the black market would be spawned. Plus the government would lose too much in taxes etc.

#14, have you never seen cheech and chong? Stoner humor is one of the most light hearted, funny and non-violent things around. Did you not watch Scooby Doo as a child and again as an adult? There are worse drugs out there, legal and illicit, prescribed or over the counter, that do far more harm than marijuana. And the talk of it being a "gateway drug" is a load of bullshit. The choice to try harder drugs is all on the individual.

Hopefully rendering it useless as far as the next generation goes...

That Moral was beautiful. You should put that on a plaque

RKD 23

Sounds like a FHL, OP! Unless you had to drop a load of cash on him!

Well,someone's a complete idiot for dropping down his pants

I know everything there is to know abut weed, and I still don't like it. Anything can become addictive, whether you want to admit it or not.