By bluerhhajfk - 19/08/2013 23:29 - United States - Providence

Today, I walked in on my brother smoking weed. He immediately tried to hide it by dropping it down his pants, still lit. Screaming in pain, he pulled down his pants. The ashes burned his knob. I had to take him to the emergency room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 739
You deserved it 3 572

bluerhhajfk tells us more.

Apparently his friend gave him some to try. He's only 14 so I don't think he knew any better. He told me he was experimenting, and I think that's an okay thing to do so long as he learned his lesson. He is just a young stupid teenager. Moral of the story: Don't do drugs, kids. Or you'll burn your penises.

Top comments

ewmoldycheese 14

But.. what if we don't have a penis? Are we safe to smoke weed then?


Lemonmonger 4

That hardly warrants an ER trip. He may as well have a ******.

The lack of knowledge people have about things like this and still seem to state there opinion amazes me. Weed makes you laugh and get a little "what Is the meaning of life" but it is in no way mind altering. You will remember everything from when you took it unlike drinking. Also I would like someone to show me a case in which someone caused a deadly car accident or seriously harmed someone due to being stoned. Don't make comments about things you don't understand or don't care to understand.

I suggest not coming to Colorado then. Completely legal here

smoothjade5556 5

Man I feel for him but that is quite funny hahha sorry but why put it downstairs ?

Jess0817 11

Even if he says he was just experimenting, weed can lead to more hardcore drugs. Keep an eye on him, OP! Good luck.

And mother's milk leads to everything. Study after study has debunked the "pot as gateway drug" theory.

You're right though! I believe that it's ether alcohol or nicotine that's considered the gateway.

As one said before. Pot is not a gateway drug. Nothing is actually a gateway drug. If someone does those drugs they are weak minded and would have done it without pot, alcohol, or drinking.

I honestly doubt someone sits there, smoking weed and says,"Wow, you know what I have a hankering for? Some crystal meth." I'm sorry, but I think if any drug or substance is a gateway it would be nicotine. It is so much more harmful than marijuana and I have no clue why it is even legal other than the fact that it is a multimillion dollar industry.

I honestly think that the only way weed could be a gateway drug, is if your dealer is an asshole and laces it with another, actually addictive drug. Or does that even count as being a gateway drug...

The reason smoking is legal is because the government realised that an addiction to nicotine is highly profitable when taxed correctly, and the effects don't necessarily effect the public in a violent way. Pot is illegal because of purely political reasons.

Pot is not a gateway drug. The decision and choice to go on and try harder drugs remains the sole responsibility of the individual.

I completely agree with you! I smoke pot, and never while stoned have I ever thought "You know what sounds good right now? Heroin."

Technically Sugar is more addictive than any other drug. This was prove in a study on lab mice.

And what's wrong with being a pothead? I find it quite enjoyable.

strawberrywine22 30

The fact that most respectable jobs these days require drug tests, and even if they don't, if you ever get injured on the job you'll have to take a drug test. Unless you plan on being the typical stoner bitch and living off welfare...

I work and support myself, all while smoking weed. I'd rather be a stoned bitch than a judgmental prick any day.

A job that requires a drug test does not sound very respectable to me.

dlowry004 14

There is nothing wrong with weed; It is all natural. If you think there is anything wrong with it than you're a dipshit. Watch the documentary called The Union(it's on netflixs) and learn a thing or two if you're not completely narrow minded. If you want to classify anything as a "gateway drug" then look at alcohol. At least a third of the people that try hard drugs for the first time are under the influence o alcohol and wasted.

That's like saying "so and so was in a car accident. Serves him right for driving." Chill out man.

14, I'd suggest you chill the hell out and smoke a bowl. Clearly you need it.

48, people do stupid things whether they're high or not. I've seen stoners who are much smarter than kids who are sober. It just depends on personality and such.

Martinez0285 28

oh come on.. cherry burns are not that lethal... doodle or not