By need € for new iron - 16/05/2013 19:49 - Germany - Gevelsberg

Today, I walked in on my sister masturbating with my curling iron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 537
You deserved it 6 746


Pstraka6 20

You're lucky it wasn't your electric toothbrush. I would not share anything else with her yikesss

Not only would I not share anything with her, I would get a footlocker with a strong padlock to store everything.

Did you sneakily plug it in and quietly back out of the room undetected? Hahaha. That kinda burn woulda sealed her up for good!

Right!?! Plus, imagine how bad it's gonna smell when that thing eventually gets plugged in!

That's not going to do anything. The curling iron needs to be turned on for it to work.

She's just trying to heat things up.

LastJuan 6

Looks like its time to buy a new curling iron and a new lock for your door

And maybe get her sis a vibrator

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Ugh--why can't people just keep their masturbatory habits to themselves, and not "borrow" other people's stuff for it?!? I wouldn't trust her ever again with anything, OP. Ew. Make her buy you a new one.