By need € for new iron - 16/05/2013 19:49 - Germany - Gevelsberg

Today, I walked in on my sister masturbating with my curling iron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 537
You deserved it 6 746


kikks_xx 10

That's what you get for not leaving from the living room so she can have sex

So she's why some curling irons actually need a label specifying that they're for external use only....

So that's why the label says for external use only. Idiots like that. Lol

I'm pretty sure that it's self correcting.... You also might want to try knocking on doors before opening them... Just saying ydi...

I hope she doesn't get an infection. Maybe time to take her to get an an actual toy.

I guess your curling irons better than the vegetables in your house that you can eat later on

She was ironing out the kinks, huh?

And I'm sure it's not the first time, eh?

I guess the warning label, "external use only." Was ignored. What a bad ass...