By Chelsea - 27/02/2013 22:39 - United States - Aurora

Today, I walked outside to this guy attempting to steal my bike. When I asked him what he was doing he calmly replied, "I'm a bike inspector. You hooked your chain all wrong! This time is a warning; next time it'll be a ticket!" He then threw his full, opened Pepsi can at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 981
You deserved it 2 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time throw your closed fist at his face.


Bike inspector! That sounds cool. I wonder if you have to go to school for that?

token_blackguy 18

I think you need a 9 month certification course.

kxxjoejoexxk 8

I heard you could get a bachelors in bike safety

You have to admit that it was a pretty good save on his part!!

jimbob_76592 5

Yea that's pretty quick thinking and it came out pretty damn funny

What would have made this funnier (on our part) would be if OP actually believed him.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Being covered in soda is better than having your bike stolen. Think of it as a weird victory!

Was he black? [Disclaimer: It's not racist for me to ask...being black and all.]

untouchable763 10

At least you still have your bike eh.

Not gonna lie, I was hoping this first comment was going to be some type of witty pun, thanks for dropping the ball on my hopes and dreams though...

I'm disgusted with 2 comment. Does that help 21?

Oh god damn I misread 2's name and can't delete or edit my comment >.> THANKS IPOD.