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By Anonymous - 24/12/2010 14:13 - United States

Today, as I was riding my bike, I saw a bunch of cute guys checking me out. Not paying attention, I then ran into a parked police car. Besides getting laughed at, I got a ticket for damaging police property. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 441
You deserved it 31 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You're lucky that in post-9/11 America, you weren't charged as a terrorist attempting a suicide bombing of the police. And then no one could ride bikes in airports anymore.

They were probably saying something along the lines of "let's distract this moron so she runs into a parked car." If you were trying to impress them, instead of staring, you should have done a badass trick like a wheelie or a a bunny hop.


fakeaccountX 6

Well hey, now they think you're a badass!

"Cute" guys checking you out, while you were on a BIKE? lol... how old are you? 10-12?

was she suppose to write "fine looking gentlemen" ??

She's from Tennessee, attention ho's like Miley Cyrusporn are created in that state. Nothing surprising. YDI.

fadingfaith 4

I see your from Canada. So I wouldn't be talking...

Pay attention next time, it's not that hard

They were probably saying something along the lines of "let's distract this moron so she runs into a parked car." If you were trying to impress them, instead of staring, you should have done a badass trick like a wheelie or a a bunny hop.

UpsidedownKayak 9

I guess the FLM here is that OP is cute enough to be ogled by guys passing by but not to flirt your way out of a ticket. So sad. :(

x_missystaceey 0

girls these days . do anything for attention --; be yourself ya dud .

UpsidedownKayak 9

Boner, not everyone has replaced their seat with a *****, like you.

dominican777 0

Stupid cop cars! Always in the wrong place!

I agree, but if there is a dumb blonde stereotype, there has to be enough dumb blondes to justify it. Not saying that all blondes are dumb, just saying there are a lot of them. (By the way, I'm blonde too!) No offense to the non-dumb blondes out there.

wow not all blondes are dumb thank you very much!

a song by redman, pretty much the same happens in the video,...

Hell naw, dawg. It was a cadillac or something.

I get it. You're saying it's an undercover, unmarked cop car. That makes complete sense.

hmmmm, i posted this but ended up at the bottom "oh nevermind, i see what you mean, thats why i said "pretty much" the same,..." i like your version better though, lots of undercover agents in the hood, yep yep,...

Absolutely. We gangster thug-life rappers with absolutely no criminal records or shady dealings have to stick together. Werd. Or something.

eyo, get your own woman, shes all mine!...