Inappropriate laughter

By josie345 - 25/08/2011 02:07 - United States

Today, some blowhard on a motorcycle yelled at me for jaywalking, causing him to almost hit a dumpster. He picked up and threw an empty beer can at me when I started giggling at the sticker on the front of his helmet that said, "If you can read this, I have lost my caravan." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 164
You deserved it 27 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sunny_Eclipse 6

That guy is obviously a noob in the biking world.

Everytime I hear caravan I think of Cass from FNV.... I need to get out more.


Wow this is quite the story. I always get jealous of the outrageous stories I read on FML. because none of them happen to me :(

Stonedmanalex 0

what the **** this makes no sense

BelleBelle_fml 11
n_epic_fail 14

giggling... such a weird word, ummm. makes me kind of giggle.

I'd be angry too if I lost my caravan.

when did we travel to Britain? who the he'll calls in a caravan in the USA? lol.

BelleBelle_fml 11

#46- A caravan is a group of at least two or more people travelling together. Road Trip!

Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention when you cross the street. And if you're going to laugh at guys with stupid stickers on their helmet, then you might want to learn how to duck or something.

82, why cant we laugh at humorous stickers?They make them funny for a reason. And if you don't want anyone laughing at you, don't buy one.

kameryn25 3

Also caravan could be referring to the Chrysler caravan. And I've noticed that some motorcycle drivers feel like they own the road, one time I turned left on a green arrow and apparently I cut off a motorcycle driver from the other side and he made it his duty to speed up to my window and cuss me out. I wonder why they have so much pent up aggression?

Knife-master please come out of the forest. We miss you!

#97 if you've ever ridden a motorcycle or taken an msf course you would know that intersections are the leading area of fatal accidents for motorcycles, and this is because of them being cut off by someone taking a left and not seeing them, you most likely did cut him off. and i'd be pissed off/ have been pissed off when it happens to me

Sounds like you have a nice ass! I'd like to kick it.

96- if that was for me then I never said you couldn't laugh at anyone with stupid stickers. Just, if you do be ready to make evasive maneuvers. Things may get thrown in your direction. As in OP's case. I don't have that problem because I don't have stickers on my helmet. But it does match my motorcycle.

^ yer, but in that case, if people can't handle being laughed at for having the stickers, they should avoid them in the first place.

#128, except he expressly mentioned he was turning left with a green arrow, meaning he would have had the right away as the cyclist would have had to be either making a right turn on red ( meaning he should have yielded to the traffic with the green arrow) or flat out ran the red light if not making a right turn. There is no traffic at all (save ambulances, etc) that has right away over someone turning left with a green arrow signal. In 97's example the cyclist put himself in that situation unless when 97 made the left he turned into the far lane of traffic rather than the nearest lane which is the only possible way he could have been at fault. That said, there's no defence for the jaywalking a-hole in this FML.

tsim_fml 0

hahahaha idk why that made me laugh

BelleBelle_fml 11

Hahahaha idk why you commented?!

tylersign 11

Do you need an empty beer can thrown at you?

BelleBelle_fml 11

Depends, what kind of beer was it?

JSmithlover12 0

Everytime I hear caravan I think of Cass from FNV.... I need to get out more.

DCFan 9

I think of Fallout 3/new vegas. No shame here, those games kicked ass!

I was waiting for the person who would comment this. I thought it immediately too, and I have no shame. FNV for the ******* win.

I was waiting for the person who would comment this. I thought it immediately too, and I have no shame. FNV for the ******* win.

Really? I think of Claire redfield from Resident Evil extinction

DCFan 9
agaba 0

Haha I was just playing that game I beat it like 6 times :P

57-kicked ass? No, they continue to kick ass.

RA661 8

He probably threw that at you for thinking you giggled that he almost crashed. Shouldn't have yelled at you though. HDI not you.

ReynshineCutting 10

How does he deserve it when SHE nearly made him crash?

zuzupetalsYO 11

Have you ever known anyone that has crashed on a motorcycle? Jaywalking is illegal for a reason ya ****!

mikki_love_chuu 0

Look at the puppy in the picture Awww it's so cute

xShannonxSammyx 7

People are so angry these days.

oops_im_fucked 8

How happy could one be in this day and age? Jersey shore, auto tune, Justin bieber, teases, what's next?!

Bobby319 24

Yeah well the guy had a right to be angry that a idiot jay walker almost made him crash

Sunny_Eclipse 6

That guy is obviously a noob in the biking world.

BrittanyB94 0

He sounds like a sad little biker man

Yeah I was waiting for someone to say this. Before I could drive, jaywalking seemed fine and like not that much of a threat to anyone as long as you were careful, then I started to drive and, **** me, I never thought I'd hate pedestrians more than other drivers. Jesus ******* Christ. And they usually jaywalk with a pedestrian crossing in actual sight. YDI OP. I don't know what makes you think you're so special.

Sorry if it bothers you, just wanted to tell you that you're cute and I like those sunglasses.

Totally agree. OP shouldn't have jaywalked. I live in a country where Jaywalking is legal and if you're a biker you really have to watch out for the pedestrians. I was out driving in a car the other week and in one street alone in my area there must have been about 10 people jaywalked right in front of me forcing me to break. If I had hit them in my car I'd have probably been fine, if I'd hit them on a bike I'd be dead. The biker in the story probably saw his life flash before his eyes when OP walked out so this is totally OP's fault.

vampireclique 0

That is a hot pic of Justin bieber ö