By lbg2msf - 06/11/2013 18:08 - United States - Biloxi

Today, I walked under a tree and heard birds chirping from above. I stopped and looked up, only to catch a face full of bird shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 843
You deserved it 9 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, it's only Wednesday and you're already getting shitfaced? I wanna party with you, OP!


mooseantlers 1
JudgeComrade 17

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

some say that getting pooped on by a bird will bring you good luck.

nadene52 12

Haha ah that's hilarious we'll atleast your gunna have good luck

At the wrong place. At the wrong time lol

stewpididiot 11

Chirp, chirp, chirp Ready, aim, Fire !!!

Airborn0280 18

The birds were laughing not chirping.

dude!!! they where chirping to warn you! DUH!