By Anonymous - 09/12/2010 12:19 - Netherlands

Today, I wanted to send a birthday card. I kindly asked my boss for an envelope, and she asked me to pay for it. I've been working for her as an intern for over a year now, without receiving any money for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 464
You deserved it 4 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since you've been her intern for over a year now, I'm sure you know where the envelopes are. Live on the wild side... steal one.

envelopes don't just grow on trees you know..... oh wait.....


maxslimshady 0
PinkPanther101 0

she must be a miserable, cheap b*tch.

You agreed to be an unpaid intern. They didn't agree to give you free stationary though. So get over yourself.

justbigbs 6

Docbastard reply is good. I actually ask my co workers for $$$when they ask for stuff, mainly to keep them away otherwise they're will be a line by my desk. considering you're an intern I sympathize with you because its hard to work for free, plus you're trying to build a good relation the company your currently in. Wouldn't it be better to ask a co worker or someone you get along with will help you out for office supplies?

aswan15 0

interns aren't supposed to get payed... and for over a year? I think you might want to find a different job maybe one preferably that pays

Tell her to take the cost out of your paycheck ;-)