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By Anonymous - 13/05/2013 16:01 - Australia - Mount Eliza

Today, I gave my boss a gift card as a late birthday present, since I wasn't in the office on his actual birthday. He accused me of trying to bribe my way to a promotion, and suspended me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 311
You deserved it 4 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This doesn't go for all managerial positions, but I'm sure some managers like to assert their authority for no particular reason! He sounds like an ass!

Did anyone else get him anything? Or was it just you? Around my place of business, office birthday parties are a card an cake event. No real presents. But he still sounds like a dick to me.


This doesn't go for all managerial positions, but I'm sure some managers like to assert their authority for no particular reason! He sounds like an ass!

for being ungrateful I probably would have taken it back

tjv3 10

I bet he is related to my boss. What an ass

I feel that ,in this case, the manager is either just an ass, or pissed op didn't make a special b-day drop off. Just my opinion.

Did anyone else get him anything? Or was it just you? Around my place of business, office birthday parties are a card an cake event. No real presents. But he still sounds like a dick to me.

Tika876 18

Seems no good deed goes unpunished.

Well someone's a dick who likes to show their power around the office

Razinbow 8

Or a simple thank you would have sufficed....what a buttmunch.

What's wrong with humanity can no one give a gift anymore... Unless you were trying to bribe him.

narkill 13

Well... How much was the giftcard for?

The proper gift for a boss' birthday is NOT telling everyone he's a total prick behind his back

I hope you reassured him that it was a gift card for an "all inclusive go **** yourself asshole" experience. Those are the best gifts for insecure bosses :)