By Not_High - 23/03/2012 06:18 - Canada - White Rock

Today, I was accused of being high. Why? Because I was playing with a milk bottle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 974
You deserved it 5 285

Not_High tells us more.

For everyone wondering, there were multiple teachers who accused me. Then they proceeded to contact my parents on account of my 'strange behavior'

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I bit a cat once (it bit me first, the little ******) and my eyes puffed up and got all red like someone who's smoked a couple of joints in a short span of time. People kept giving me dirty looks until the allergy pills kicked in, and my friends didn't help by saying loudly as people went by, "HEY C0N71NG3NCY, STOP SMOKING WEED, MAN" No but seriously, sounds like whichever person accused who of that had no idea what they were talking about.

BunBunBabe 8

Pretty sure anyone sober or ****** up can play with a milk bottle so how does that indicate your stoned? Either you or milk is being discriminated against here.

IRunIntoWallsxD 0

Haha I'm always accused of being high too xD

I am ADHD, so I am hyper, I act strange in general, have dark circle under my eyes because of allergies, and the tops of my teeth are yellow with the rest white (like meth mouth). So i have been asked if I am high. Sadly because of my ADHD medicine (an amphetamine),I would actually fail a drug test.

That makes no sense... Sounds like your life sucks so bad that you have nothing else going on... A milk bottle?!

My friend was playing with a milk bottle at lunch and got 2 weeks of in school suspention ... So ur not the only one