By Not_High - 23/03/2012 06:18 - Canada - White Rock

Today, I was accused of being high. Why? Because I was playing with a milk bottle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 974
You deserved it 5 285

Not_High tells us more.

For everyone wondering, there were multiple teachers who accused me. Then they proceeded to contact my parents on account of my 'strange behavior'

Top comments


Shadow1368 17

That's not that bad OP, so I'm not going to vote. It really depends on who accused you of being high. My friend sometimes call me high when I'm being happy/excited. You could understand why I don't show those emotions much anymore.

OHMYGOD THIS MILK BOTTLE IS SO AWESOME!!!! what does this mean?!?

It's all right, I am always accused of being high.

Well... Exactly what were you doing with it?

lol i use to go to class stoned all the time. i remember drawing pot leaves on my notes and my teacher walked by.. she asked if i wanted pencil cryons to color my grow op. I wanted to call her out so i said yes i do, and she actually let me sit there for 20 mins coloring pot leafs.

And now you work as a spooj mopper at the local strip booth joint. There's a time and a place for herb. School is not it.

I was accused of going to church high just because I had a really big smile on my face FML

For everyone wondering, there were multiple teachers who accused me. Then they proceeded to contact my parents on account of my 'strange behavior'

lucyinthesky420 10

Milk is a stepping stone drug. All junkies drank it when they were young and now look at them. It should be illegal.