By Anonymous - 11/03/2010 05:04 - United States

Today, I was applying some acne ointment. The directions said, "Apply a thin layer, covering the entire affected area." In other words, for me: My entire face. Lovely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 436
You deserved it 4 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DareToDream7 0

What the hell are you talking about? You don't know shit about anything. I have astham and smoking ANYTHING is probably the worst thing to do. I've gotten asthma attacks from being near someone who was smoking. Asthma makes you unable to breath, so why the hell would you destroy your lungs with smoke, dipshit? You use your inhaler when you have asthma, it opens up your lungs. Don't say shit like that when you don't know what you're talking about. Oh, and acne, keeping your face clean and not touching it doesn't prevent acne, its genetic. My mom had cystic acne so I have cystic acne. I don't have oily or "dirty" skin, in fact I have dry skin. But its oily underneath so that's what causes it. I wash my face at LEAST twice a day, and only touch it to apply moisturizer, acne medication, and the likes. So please, don't talk about stuff you don't know, you just make yourself sound like an idiot.


vermillionlove 0

yeah your life is so totally ****** because you have a breakout. :|

FMLs like this shouldn't be accepted when moderated. "Oh look I have acne all over my face like thousands of other people. poor me!"

AprilHarvee1 0

Build a bridge and get over it.

KylaTheNinja 0

Oh! I think I just bought the stuff that you're talking about:D It really works!! [but putting that you have to put it all over your face is kinda pathetic. It's acne, everyone has it. Mostly.]

Well at least you bought something to try to make it go away? I don't see the real FML in this, its not something you didn't already realize before you bought the stuff.

it'll go away. sheesh, just deal with it.

I work in dermatology and the docs recommend that you don't spot treat but cover your face in a pea size amount even if you don't have acne there. careful when you get your eyebrows waxed though! there are also pills like doryx and accutane.

bezach 0

lucky sunlight makes me sad and dark thangs make me smile inside...