By Ben - 01/03/2010 03:46 - United States

Today, I was arrested for DWI in my own apartment complex. I had to be released into the custody of a sober adult, but I wasn't allowed access to my phone to get any numbers. I only have a few memorized. So I was picked up from jail by my ex-girlfriend and her fiancé - my manager at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 029
You deserved it 17 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this is a huge ydi. don't drive drunk idiot

Go to ******* hell, OP. Here's hoping you wind up with your head inside a tree trunk sooner or later. Two of my friends have died thanks to people like you.


MyLifeIsWierd 12

If you tell him to die..guess whos more likeley to go first?

MyLifeIsWierd 12

If you tell him to die..guess whos more likeley to go first?

That stinks but YDI for drinking in excess

Dude that sucks but you deserved it for drinking and driving