By tallwoman - 18/05/2010 18:57 - Denmark

Today, I was at a concert. During the concert, my shoelaces went undone, so I bent down to tie them. Not two seconds later, the girl behind me jumped on my shoulders and refused to get down. She said "tall guys" are the best to ride on during concerts. My name is Maria. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 596
You deserved it 4 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Bending over at a concert is a bad idea. You're lucky you got an entire girl on your back rather that a piece of a guy lower down.


lolababyy 0

okkk that's weird. I know it can't be that hard to get the girl off of you. & you must look like a guy -_-

tasha_caliente 0

Wow that sucks, you should of thrown her down, kicked the shit out of her and to top it off kick her in the kidneys to make her cough up blood!

your eyes are green and your amost purple

Hated_By_FML 0

oh yeah, but she's not purple. i have a haitian friend and i swear she's blue-black lol. she looks more red, i guess cuz she's a redbone

that last bit kinda cracked me up....ok actually the whole statement

hahahahh. fyl for lookin like a guy. maybe the bitch was high ? shouldve kicked her!

Hopersz 0

Wow, some of you need to read THROUGHLY THROUGH THIS. Did you not see that she said "Tall guys are the best to ride on during concerts? Considering this PERSON thought Maria was a guy. Mistaken identity. Also she could have meant guys as in "People" hence a man or woman. Doesnt mean she has to talk about a guy. To Maria that sucks i would have just pushed her off my shoulder/back

Ritaa_fml 4

I think the part "my name is Maria" is to emphasize the fact that the OP is in fact a woman, contrary to the opinion of the crazy girl.

You let her? I would have pushed her off.

The__Redneck 7

do u ever see black people in the jetsons?? future looks good right???

There's also no limp43713 in the Jetsons so that's something we can look forward to.

redsox4021 0

We have a place for you people to go, called Alabama you redneck. Luckily your trailer trash family will long be gone after the out break of aids that gets passed from cousin to cousin you racist hick. Don't you have a Sarah Palin convention to go to.

hey dont hate on sarah palin. she'll shoot you. 

i was jk but thats right youd better!!!

blindyblonde13 0

woah woah woah no need to bring my aunt sarah into this hahaha jk.

redsox4021 0

the comment I replied to is gone it was about how there are no black people in the jetsons and that's something to look forward to. so no I won't calm down and yes Sarah palin can go F#€% herself

nemohazADDlama 0

hahahahaha doesn't she mean MANia