By Bo - 22/04/2009 13:50 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at a party. The girl I'm madly in love with referred to me as her 'Gay Friend.' She refused to kiss me in Spin-the-Bottle as 'She didn't want to do anything with anyone that night'. She then made out, and slept with, my 'best friend' whom she had never met before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 444
You deserved it 6 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

scorpioserpent 1

sorry bro hate it when you love someone and its not returned


Trix_Disorder 20

Sounds like a complete bitch. Why do guys always fall for the mean ones?

xembo123 0

what a bitch! sorry to hear that, hopefully you've moved on though. there are much better girls out there who aren't ****** and wont treat you like shit.

kitten_kelly 0

#28..... if your a woman and you think that... then you must be a *****.. sorry gal but yea she is sounding like a *****.. and im sorry about your 'best friend' i know how that feels.... D: dude you should have told her to get back in the kitchen... :

aww... girls can be total jerks! but just think of this as a good thing, u getting over her for someone so much better (they're coming!)

Congratulations, you just found out that two so called friends are worthless. Man up and cut them both loose and tell them why. Better this than finding out later under worse circumstances.

Sounds like she isn't in love with you the way you are with her. Also sounds like she's really into your best friend. That happens. But I don't see how that makes her a nasty bitch. How do all the people in here figure that she's not allowed a free choice in who she makes out with and who she sleeps with? Just because you really like her doesn't give you any rights to say who she can and can't like.

pretty much the exact same thing happened to me, except opposite sexes. i'd just like to say that spending some time away from them can only help. let them know how they hurt you, and then forgive them. it only hurts you to stay angry. if anything, what happened to me only helped me get over him. it was for the best.

Well, your playing spin the bottle, which means you could be pretty young. So what? Your age, however, does not change the fact that your madly in love with an ass and need to reorganize your values a little better, or at the very least find someone who is interested in you.

Snatcher1 0

Way to play "Spin-the-Bottle." Are you 12? Seriously though, this girl sounds like a nasty snatch, and your friend appears to be a dick. You probably dodged a bullet.

mnm88 0

this is gross...shes young enough to play spin the bottle and she slept with a guy she just met? ew. be glad she did it, you were probably spared numerous diseases.