By howniceofyou - 01/08/2011 18:12 - Canada

Today, I was at a pool party with some friends. They grabbed and lifted me in the air, about to throw me in the pool. My iPhone was in my pocket, so I screamed "MY PHONE!" They paused so I could gently throw it onto a deck chair. It bounced, hit the concrete, and cracked its screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 511
You deserved it 13 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NoobHat 6

Should've had an Otter box...

Nice Friends to give you the time to do that


major_paine92 0

Sounds like a crazy party. Were the cops called?

You couldn't ask to be put down first? So you could walk to the chair?

I'd take the cracked screen over water damage!

perdix 29

Go to the Apple Store and find new friends -- you know, members of our cult who have the proper reverence for the holy wares made by the beloved Mother Ship.

I always enjoy a great south park reference!

KLern 0

I'd rather my screen be cracked than ruined due to water damage, like my iPhone 4 was on the 3rd day I owned it.

At least iPhones are pretty tough to kill. Mine has had a cracked screen for nearly 2 years and works fine. Consider it a way to identify your phone.

Yeah, my friend has a pretty bad crack on his screen. Still works, always knows it's his.

KLern 0

Ditto, my buddy's screen literally looks shattered and it works just fine.

*Ditto used TRANSFORM.* Ditto transformed into . . . Magikarp. Magikarp used SPLASH. It didn't do anything. Magikarp FAINTED from the next attack.

at least they stopped for you to put your phone down...

My phone cracked yesterday :O idk how :P probably from one of the gazillion times I've dropped it...

At least it didn't fall into the water. While water damage is unrepairable, a cracked screen can be fixed.