By stargirl - 19/07/2011 00:36 - Canada

Today, I was at a restaurant with my son when he started to choke on his food. Panicked, I grabbed the closest drink I could reach and made him gulp it down. Only when I received tons of dirty looks from people at other tables did I realize I had given him beer. My son is 8. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 295
You deserved it 13 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mrmystery96 0

I say let the little bastard drink.

Jay1D 0

When someones choking you make them drink?


"Don't look at me that way; it was an honest mistake." (:

jose18 3

you panicked and grabbed the closest drink you could and saved your sons life forget about everyone staring at you

At least you saved your sons life right?

Kid's not going to die from a little beer. Screw the other people.

birds_fml 7

Is everyone here retarded or something? I know the OP is. He was not "choking" if he was able to swallow water and clear it. You are choking when you have food in your windpipe, and swallowing water (which goes down your esophagus) will not do a damn thing. He just had some food stuck in his esophagus, which kinda hurts, but WILL NOT KILL HIM. For all the clueless people here... giving a choking person something to drink is stupid at best, deadly at worst. If someone is able to cough, they are not choking, and they will be able to cough up what's blocking their airway just fine. OP, you really need to take a first aid class. Before your son puts his arm through a storm door, cutting open his arteries, and you tell him to just run the gash under water. *facepalm*

DawnMarie11 0

I completely agree with you, it is strange to say the least to give a choking person something to drink while choking therefore cutting off the rest of what ever air supply they have left..... some people need to take classes to know what to do in emergency situations.

mekasia 3

Hallelujah! A person with some common sense!

DreBeezy 9

She was panicking you dumb ass and i dont think op is cpr certified since the only thing she could think of was to get him something to drink

F all those ppl.. your son is gonna live up life!

"I remember when I had my first beer"

if you remember, you didnt do it right! lol

I know right? my mum only let me have one! lol

lemlikesrainbows 0

so? at least he didn't choke.