By bird-brain - 21/11/2009 12:19 - Germany

Today, I was at a zoo with some friends in Germany. People were talking to this bird and it responded in complete, grammatically correct German sentences. One of my friends said 'Wow, that bird has better grammar than the exchange student!' A bird speaks better German than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 452
You deserved it 5 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well German isn't your native language, so obviously.

Haha no the bird just copies people it doesn't speak on it's own like you hve to. Good for you tho that you do know any German at all I suck at Spanish.


Dass is nicht gut. :( Entschuldigung. :)

ich spreche deutsch einbisschen aber nicht so I'm half German so don't worry :)

magnata002 0

don't worry I have been stationed in Germany for over a year and still can't speak a lick of german.

It might have a reputation for being difficult, but German isn't that hard to learn. YDI

Well german grammer sucks... Im in AP german

haleyaubrey1 0

Welcome to the land of grammar nazis