By GarageSallin - 07/02/2013 15:24

Today, I was at an estate sale of my neighbor who recently passed. I recognized many items for sale that I had ordered or won on eBay from the past 8 years. Turns out the little old lady had been stealing my mail for close to a decade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 475
You deserved it 3 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think after the first few items went missing you'd try to find out where they went..

HowAreYouToday 34

Old people are secretly evil. They're all plotting against us *normals.* VIVA LA REVOLUCION!


Satoaoi 13

looks like karma hit her after that decade of screwing you over

Lol now that's what you call an old hag

Your ebay account will have proof of purchase. Get your shit back.

squideth 18

74 wow you know nothing about Canada.

I don't understand how people can be so dishonest. Stealing is just plain wrong and I'm angry for you OP!

imanassholetoo 8

please see my picture for my comment.

deemarie13 14

The question here is do u want that stuff bad enough to play for twice?