By Anonymous - 02/07/2013 16:25 - United States - Burlington

Today, I was at another long swim-meet, when my daughter shaved 15 seconds off her record swim time. When I asked her how she did it, she replied, "Well someone told me to swim as fast as I can." She's just been taking her time all these years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 504
You deserved it 5 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait when you compete in sports you need to try??! I've been doing it wrong all these years!

Your daughter is gonna end up being one of those drivers who take their time at a stoplight when it turns green.


WishForTheWorld 9

I didn't know that at a swim meet one must swim their fastest?

I don't understand how this is an FML. Was she doing really poorly before, or are you sure she's just not giving you attitude? 15 seconds off a record even if you aren't trying is still really quite good.

RedPillSucks 31

Is your daughter one of those kids who do the limbo when everyone else is doing the high jump?

Dawnstempest 17

It's good she's so laid back. It's nicer to have a team of those people then the ultra super competitive people.

graceinsheepwear 33

Unless she does competitive swimming, I'm not sure what the issue is.

Well, given that she was competing at a swim meet, I would *presume* that she's a competitive swimmer...

The FML doesn't say she was competing.

apparently she said that just for joking

onorexveritas 23

well if she was winning or doing well this long that's not so bad, she's a natural. but if she just flaking then yeah, that sucks

ShinyArcanine 16
andone2222 2

sorry! OP YDI. "at another long swim meet" pssssh ENJOY THE TIME U HAVE WITH YOUR DAUGHTER. PERIOD.

I'm not sure how this FML implied that OP wasn't enjoying the time he has with his daughter.

Being a swimmer, I know that those 16 hour (sometimes 4 days) swim meets are indeed long