By shoutoutloud2him - 05/12/2009 08:48 - United States

Today, I was at Home Depot getting a Christmas tree with my family. While picking out a tree, a man thought it would be nice to help cut off the string that held the tree together. The branches hit me in the face and the guy managed to cut my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 991
You deserved it 2 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats the point of this website you ******* ****-strimmer.

I have to agree with the masses on this one. He was lending a hand, and an accident happened. And besides, this is only one side of the story. For all we know, the guy could have offered to cut the string and you accepted, only he cut the string before you were ready. And you're making everything out to be his fault, because it was embarrassing. Who knows?


tchaikovsky93 0

FYL for celebrating Christmas.

blester259 1

I would have sued like a mofo

FoxDragonGL 3

I love how many people have the first reaction of suing. It's amazing how quick we are to steal from others when most of the time it's our own fault. :/