By litterbox_girl - 19/08/2009 01:13 - United States

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house while his plumbing was being redone. I really had to pee, but the toilet wasn't working, so I peed in his cat's litterbox. His cat got defensive, and started attacking me while I peed. My boyfriend walked in and saw the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 805
You deserved it 71 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Equinox987 0

Oh my gawd, what is wrong with you!

batman does not approve of peeing in litter boxes.


bossman57 2

That face had to be priceless

I am now embarrassed that I live in Pennsylvania and you do too, and I've been here for 10 years (I'm 15) and I have never felt more embarrassed.

This is hilarious. How would you even think of doing that?

YDI for not asking a neighbor or going to some bushes.

No offense but everyone commenting here is dumb, this is obviously fake. It is pretty funny though,

You're just gross. who the **** does that?