By Anonymous - 15/01/2011 10:19 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at my girlfriends house. After having sex, we went downstairs to where the rest of the family was. At this point I did not realise that I had a used condom stuck to my foot. The family did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 898
You deserved it 40 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for having sex while the family was still home.

sourgirl101 28

That's right, folks! I just made your little girl come three times! What's for dinner? I'm staved.


avatar2018 4

thanks for telling the world you jerk! your now single asshole

silverrain69 0

at least you practice sex sex?(:

Classic. That's why you rawdog it. No rubbers or wrappers to worry about.

andrewsgirl2010 7

I'm sorry, how do you not notice it's on your foot? Especially when you're going down to be with other people. YDI

Just why didn't you throw it in the trash at least after you were done? Unless of course your the ones who go all night long

peterblack67 9

You had sex with your girlfriend while her whole family was home? YDI